ISARIA – Offizieller Partner von O2
ISARIA gained the digital communications company O2 as a customer in 2015. The assignment concerned production of a new shopfitting system and installing it in an initial five O2 stores by mid-March 2016. ISARIA‘s role as general contractor included coordination and management of all on-site construction alterations.
Comprising elements such as product displays, consulting counters, customer lounge furnishings and a cash desk, the system comes in a modern minimalist aesthetic characterised by fresh colours and a combination of wood and metal. A striking overall impression and a recognisable identity are the result. Entering one of the shops marks entry into an O2 brand world where display units with a rectilinear design focus attention of the products themselves.
Plus a particularly flexible mounting system makes it possible to display products on the walls and rearrange them as required.Customer orientation is facilitated by the clear organisation and signposting of different shop sections such as customer service, accessories and prepaid. Advice can be obtained in an open and
casual atmosphere at the consulting tables, and a relaxed mood also prevails in the customer lounge, where inviting seating provides customers a chance not only to relax but also to recharge their phones at power and USB sockets integrated beneath the seats. A further special detail concerns the E-Service terminal, a facility that enables customers to scan and pay for their purchases themselves.
Long queues are highly unlikely anyway, since the easily identifiable cash desk is supplemented by a further cash drawer concealed behind a module front for fast serving. By enabling a wide variety of combinations for flexible adaptation to spatial requirements, the modular shopfitting system ensures effective showcasing of the brand and its products in all O2 shops.